Through the sustainability lens

Through the sustainability lens
How is the view?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Through whose eyes?

Some people would consider me to be an environmentalist, a vegetarian and American.  I don’t really like titles though, so I prefer to say that I try to see the world ‘behind green eyes’ or rather, through the sustainability lens, taking into consideration how my actions affect the world we live in.  (So I don't actually have green eyes....they're brown, if you were wondering).

This isn’t an easy task as every decision we make in some way affects our planet.  So, I try to live a life which has the least affect on the earth…life is full of choices, so why not choose to lessen your impact?

This ideology of living a low impact life has proven to be difficult.  I am currently struggling with how today, in such a technologically advanced society, I can live by the standards I would need to in order to leave no ‘footprint’ on the earth.
Washing away my footprints...
For instance, although I have chosen not to eat meat for environmental reasons, half the time I can't justify the exorbitant prices of organic produce and opt for the cheaper alternatives which ultimately means that the fruits and vegetables I have chosen are either mass produced or have traveled thousands of miles to reach my plate.  Where in this equation can I make a better choice for the environment and for my health which won't send me to the poor house? Propaganda tells me I need vitamin C in my diet.  Well oranges don't grow in the northern states and strawberries, which actually have a higher vitamin C content than oranges, are only grown during the summer months up here.  You get the idea.

So, everyday is an experiment for me and I'm trying to learn how I can live by the standards I know I need to live by.  It is a delicate balance…but I hope to maintain it and will share my trials and tribulations along the way.

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